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Application Materials
Before you submit your application, make sure you are familiar with the list of assets necessary to be included in your application.
Applications are now closed.

2023 Creative Armenia-AGBU Fellowships
The Creative Armenia-AGBU Fellowships, now in its fifth year, is a program for artists across all disciplines, and from anywhere in the world. Providing a full package of year-long support that includes funding, mentorships, industry connections, and promotion for innovative artists of Armenian origin (or international artists who have a demonstrated interest in Armenian culture), the program seeks to cultivate creators on the front lines of Armenia’s cultural future. Applications from and about Artsakh are highly encouraged.
List of Assets for Application
Before you begin your submission at the Typeform portal, please make sure to have the following materials in PDF format. The submission process itself should take you no more than 15 minutes.
A single PDF document that contains the following:
Your artistic biography, including your creative work and career so far.
Your current creative project(s), including why it is important, and the expected timeline for its completion.
Your career vision and what you hope to gain from the 2023 Creative Armenia-AGBU Fellowships.
The word limit per question is 400 words. Brevity is encouraged.
The single PDF document should include your name and surname at the top and be written in English or Armenian.
CV and other relevant materials such as portfolio or reel, as applicable.
If the project you plan to work on during your Fellowship year is Artsakh-related, please elaborate on its connection to Artsakh. Maximum word count for the question is 150 words.
A high-resolution headshot in 8” x 10” (W x H) and PNG or JPG format. The size limit is 10MB.
If you have these materials prepared, please proceed to the application portal.
Application Process
The deadline for applications is November 15 (11:59 PM, Yerevan time). Shortlisted applicants will be invited to submit further documents and to join a video interview for the final evaluation.
We receive applications exclusively through the Typeform application portal.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I’m not Armenian. Can I apply?
A: Yes. So long as your works relate in some way to themes or subjects relevant to Armenian culture.
Q: Do I have to be in Armenia?
A: No. You can apply from anywhere in the world. Mandatory meetings will take place online, although optional events will be ongoing in Yerevan.
Q: What qualifies as an Artsakh-related project? Who is considered an applicant from Artsakh?
A: If you are an applicant who is born and/or based in Artsakh you are considered to be an Artsakh applicant. If your project explores themes about Artsakh and/or will be implemented in Artsakh then your project is considered Artsakbh-related.
Q: Is there an age restriction on applicants?
A: No.
Q: Do I have to spend the fellowship stipend on my project?
A: You are free to spend the stipend as you need. But we do require a “first look” at any projects we help you with during this fellowship. That means Creative Armenia and AGBU should be given the opportunity to produce or invest in the project before you share it with others.
Q: What are my responsibilities as a fellow?
A: In addition to attending scheduled meetings, we expect our fellows to participate actively in our creative community. That may involve pitching content, leading a workshop, or mentoring emerging artists. We expect our fellows to become leaders of our creative community and cultural ambassadors for the Armenian people.
Q: And what happens after my Fellowship term?
A: We’ll consider you alumni of Creative Armenia and AGBU - and cultural ambassadors for the Armenian people. You’ll have access to our networks and priority consideration for our other programs. We’ll work together to develop and promote Armenian culture.
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